Worry about your workout, not your equipment.
Our facilities and equipment are a point of pride. We strive to create an environment where you feel safe with updated, clean, and well-maintained equipment. We have plenty of floor space and equipment for large or small groups. We have an office space with a couch and TV for kids to hang out in as well as two giant ADA bathrooms, and a walk-in shower.

We have a large variety of equipment to meet all fitness levels. Our members do a fantastic job of caring for and helping clean equipment after every use to ensure it’s cleanliness and longevity. The following list is not fully inclusive but a great reflection of the implements we have for you to use:
45lb/20kg barbells
35lb/15kg barbells
25lb/11kg barbells
Bumpers plates: 10-45 lbs
Change plates: 1.25-5 lbs
Wall balls: 6-30 lbs
Kettlebells: 8-32 kg
Plyometric Boxes: 6-30”
Dumbells: 3-80 lbs
Concept 2 Rowers
Assault Air Bikes
Assorted Resistance Bands
Jump Ropes - Multiple Lengths
Olympic Lifting Platforms
Kilo Plates
Adjustable Height Squat Racks
Pull Up Rig
Ring Dip Stations
Muscle Up Stations
Mobility Tools: Rollers, balls, etc.
PVC Pipes
GHD Machines
Jerk Blocks
Weight Belts
Padded Squares
Gymnastics Mats
Adjustable Height Pull Up Bars
And more!